Documents and info

Troubleshooting table

Status Light

Possible  Problem



The system is getting a distance reading beyond the current setpoints example . Setpoints 5ft

10ft distance is getting a reading of 20ft

LAC is getting a  reading but might be unalighed. try to check what the LAC is seeing and realign.

Pulsing Green

The system is not getting a return signalexample . Other crane is further then 38ft

not getting a signal but the other crane is closer then the max distance rating

check alignment of sensor to other crane if everthing is level


The system is in its first setpointexample . Slow setpoint is set to 10ft and crane is 10ft or closer

other crane is further then the setpoint but still going into slow

check that the senor is not hitting another object. Like a wall column if its mounted close to the rails. 2nd possiblity is the hysterisis hasn’t reached its value yet see note at bottom

Light Blue

The system is in its 2nd setpoint example . Stop setpoint is set to 10ft and crane is 10ft or closer

other crane is further then the setpoint but still going into stop

check that the senor is not hitting another object. Like a wall column if its mounted close to the rails. 2nd possiblity is the hysterisis hasn’t reached its value yet see note at bottom


System cant see the sensor

System not working

The Sensor is not talking to the motherboard. The plug could have come undone or the sensor is defective. Replace system

No light

System not working

Power supply issue. Or processor is faulty